Facebook (almost) rolls out donate button
All charities and non-profits can now add a Donate button to their Facebook pages - but for most its not yet a way to donate directly through Facebook

From the Horse’s Mouth – HorseWorld’s winning way with Social Media
We're delighted to see our client HorseWorld shortlisted for the Communicator of the Year award at the prestigious Bristol Post Business Awards next week.
It's particularly pleasing for us as we've followed them through their journey with…

Social media and tourism
Tourism and social media seem to be the theme of the week this week, yesterday saw the topic covered at the annual Exmoor Tourism Partnership where I was a keynote speaker. This morning I was talking on the same subject on BBC Radio Somerset,…

Using Social Media to Engage and Empower Local Communities
In today’s “Big Society”, there’s increasing importance for local authorities and other public bodies to engage directly in a two-way dialogue with the people on whose behalf they are working.
Social Media can be an extremely effective…

Public Sector Business Engagement Benefits to the Local Community
When I saw a tweet adverting a local event: Local by Social (Apps for Communities) I instantly knew this was something not to be missed. As a business you can't fail to notice that times are a changing, the economic landscape is almost unrecognisable…

What do you think everyone will be using (online) and talking about in 2011?
“What do you think will be big online in the New Year? Will Twitter be the new Facebook? Or will a new service emerge and capture our attention? What will the new hot gadget be? Will everyone replace their laptops with the newest smart phones…

What do you think will be big online in the 2011?
In response to a question posed by Connecting Somerset:
"What do you think will be big online in the New Year? Will Twitter be the new Facebook? Or will a new service emerge and capture our attention? What will the new hot gadget be? Will everyone…

Resistance is futile – how the Social Media revolution overthrew your website
The world’s biggest annual social media survey has just been published, and it shows that, for charities, the tipping point in the communication revolution has now been reached.
Among the figures the Wave survey - published by ad agency Universal…

Social Media Training for Charities
Tickbox Marketing are marketing and web specialists for charities and the arts.
We regularly run marketing and web strategy planning, training and implementation workshops for our charity clients.
On the 28th of November we will be hosting…

Don’t fear the Tweeter – opening your business to social media
There was a recent discussion on one of the LinkedIn groups I'm a member of where the question was asked "who owns the responsibility for social media in your company?"
It's an issue that we come across time and time again - understandably…

Hitting the right note with Facebook promotion
I had this email from a musician friend of mine today complaining that he had been banned from Facebook:
"I know many of you use Social Networking Sites to promote your musical activities, particularly Facebook.
Be aware! They've just deleted…

Charlie Simpson shows charities the power of Twitter
Little Charlie Simpson's charity bike ride has shown the power of social media - and Twitter in particular - to raise funds for charities.